Industrial Sciences Group has completed a wide range of transport projects for various road authorities and engineering companies throughout Australia:
- Statistics: Design of a Statistical Framework for Micro-simulations and “Toolkit “ for RMS- Roads and Maritime Services Modelling Guidelines
- Modelling & Analysis: Improving Travel Time Estimation on F3 Motorway (NSW Roads and Maritime Services- RMS)
- Modelling & Control: Cordon Control for reducing arterial network congestion (NSW Roads and Maritime Services- RMS & VicRoads)
- Simulation Models: Meso-scale simulator to test alternative intersection control regimes (VicRoads )
- Economic Cost/Benefit Analysis: Post-implementation review of Infrastructure Changes under “Noisy” Conditionsn (NSW Roads and Maritime Services; VicRoads, Brisbane City Council)
- Roads Operation: Development of Travel Time KPIs (using the Fundamental Diagram) for monitoring motorway performance (Leighton’s, New Zealand Transport Authority)
- Project Planning: Setting Targets for Travel time Variability/Reliability Using Strategic Models (VicRoads)
- Logistics: Botany Container Shipping Terminal – scheduling optimization of overhead cranes (Patrick/Toll)
We’ve also published a number of papers in this area:
- Two Methods to Improve the Quality and Reliability of Calibrating & Validating Simulation Models
- Using the fundamental diagram to monitor travel times and motorway performance: Methodology and case study
- Mathematics for traffic engineering
- Development of a statistical framework to guide traffic simulation studies
- ITS Korea – Statistical framework to guide traffic simulation studies